Friday, 14 October 2011

Backpackers, Irish Pubs, and The Curious Case of the Music in the Nighttime

Hello from Boston!

I'm writing this from the lobby of the Boston Backpackers Hostel & Pub, though the pub part turnd out to be a fridge with Budweiser in it. We're all the way out in Everett, but it's a bit quieter out here, lots of old wooden-clad buildings straight out of The Fighter. Accents are the same too.

We got here yesterday, after spending all morning in the American Natural History Museum in New York, which was incredible. We didn't have anywhere near enough time to see everything in there that we wanted to, so its top of the list for when we go back at the end of the month. The Greyhound Bus worked, we actually caught an earlier Express service to Boston and ended up reaching our hostel by about 8 in the evening. We met some Germans who were organising a trip Downtown and trying to get as many people as possible to come along. Charlie and I had nothing better to do, so we went, along with another boy from Guernsey, two Macedonians, a French girl and a Texan. Fantastic night. Ended up in an Irish pub (well, it IS Boston), sampled the local brew, and got interrupted regularly by an American that can only be described as a douchebag.

Today we're heading up to Beverly to meet Charlie's Aunt, who we'll be staying with over the weekend. Hopefully we'll see a bit more of Boston, though I'm liking what we've seen so far.

Anyway, that's all from us for now, the shuttle bus to the subway station is about to leave. Ciao ciao!

Chris & Charlie


I forgot to mention the ,usic in the nighttime thing from the title. Not much to tell, except that the hostel INSISTED on playing music through the corridor speakers all night. Fools.

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